1. You click "server drives" on the desktop then "my computer" , go to jstudents then photojournalism and click 1st period and my name .
2. We use blogger.com to post about what we've learned and done in class . It's for our assignments .
3. How to make a pinhole camera you get an empty oatmeal can put paper on the inside
4. There is light sensitive paper inside the actual can once the light enters the can for however many seconds it takes a pic. Once closed the light is trapped within the can and it really just dies out after its shut leaving an unseen picture on the light sensitive white paper.
5a.) You Divide The Picture Into Ah Tick Tack Toe Box And See If Anything Is In Any f The Four Conner's Of The Box .
5b.) There Is The Same Blance On Both Side's Of The Picture's .
5c.) Line's That LePattern's In The Picture That Catches The Eye .
ad You Into The Picture .
5d.)Symmetry and Patterns (repetition):Make for very eye-catching compositions, particularly in situations where they are not expected.
5e.) Viewpoint:Where you will shoot it from.
5f.) Background/simplicity:look around for a plain and unobtrusive background and compose your shot so that it doesn't distract or detract from the subject.
5g. Depth- Overlapping objects in your image or having objects in the foreground, middle, and background of your image.
5h. Framing- When your photo has a natural frame around it like trees or archways.
5i. Cropping- When you zoom in on a subject so its in focus and the background is sort of blurred out.
5j. Avoiding mergers- When something in the background merges with something in the foreground to make it look like its sticking out of the subject, you want to avoid that.
6. Action and emotion describes the photo, about whats happening.
7. It can describe someone if they had a bad day or something, can say slot.
8.Explain what the word "multimedia" means and share some examples of how we have seen them in class (on the blog)
Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. In class they were used in many of the slideshows.
9.You need to know what are they doing, where they are, what is happening, and why they are doing what they are doing.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Abandoned theme parks
1. I would really like to visit the Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan theme park, because it has a lot of the big roller coasters that i like. It also looks very interesting and kind of like old and creepy.
3. I also like these 5 parks: Okpo Land, South Korea; Prypiat, Ukraine; Russian Village, Niigata, Japan; Nara Dreamland, Nara, Japan; and the Koka Family Land, Shiga, Japan.
4. No photographer has started documenting the Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan theme park.
5. I really like how it has all big roller coasters, and this could work for my rule of thirds picture and viewpont. I also like how old the place is, it looks like i could find a lot of interesting items and tools to take pictures of.
6. I think i would need a lot of money and identification card in order to enter this abandoned theme park. I would also need a good, big, good quality camera to get my pictures in focus, since it looks like a huge theme park.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
My first print
1. I don't think anything is in sharp focus.
a. What's in focus is the instrument and the person playing it. I don't think theres anything that's not in focus.
b. The background is a little out of focus, because of the distance.
2. There is good contrast in the picture. anything that is supposed to be dark is dark and what's supposed to be white is white.
3. I don't think all the rules were followed, but some were. ( like patterns, shapes, lines, etc) The subject does fill the frame. The photo does contain action as the girl is playing ger instrument. And it does show academics, you can tell this is a band class.
b. I will try to get more of the composition rules into my next pictures.
4. There are no yellowing spots on the picture.
5. No, there were no print rings on the picture.
6. Yes, my print, negatives, contact sheet, and test strips are all in my folder.
In a school band room, students were playing their instruments. They are all walking around having a good time.
a. What's in focus is the instrument and the person playing it. I don't think theres anything that's not in focus.
b. The background is a little out of focus, because of the distance.
2. There is good contrast in the picture. anything that is supposed to be dark is dark and what's supposed to be white is white.
3. I don't think all the rules were followed, but some were. ( like patterns, shapes, lines, etc) The subject does fill the frame. The photo does contain action as the girl is playing ger instrument. And it does show academics, you can tell this is a band class.
b. I will try to get more of the composition rules into my next pictures.
4. There are no yellowing spots on the picture.
5. No, there were no print rings on the picture.
6. Yes, my print, negatives, contact sheet, and test strips are all in my folder.
In a school band room, students were playing their instruments. They are all walking around having a good time.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Portraits and self-portraits
Favorite self-portrait
Favorite Professional portrait
What makes a good picture is if it includes any of the rules of photography. Also the position in which the photo was taken and the shapes patterns and colors. The quality and how well the picture looks gives the finishing touch to a good photo.
For my next 12 photos, the style i would like to do is the self-portrait one.
Favorite Professional portrait
What makes a good picture is if it includes any of the rules of photography. Also the position in which the photo was taken and the shapes patterns and colors. The quality and how well the picture looks gives the finishing touch to a good photo.
For my next 12 photos, the style i would like to do is the self-portrait one.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Ethics in fashion Photography
- The changes that were made were that the neck was longer and skinnier, made her eyes look bigger, changed the way her hair was and put it in a new position, got the wrinkles off of her face, etc.
- I don't think it is acceptable, because it isn't her natural beauty and every girl deserves to express her NATURAL beauty, not something made off of the computer.
- This type of manipulation is wrong, because once the people try it they will not see the same results so it's basically a waste of money, because it isn't true.
- The types of changes that are ok are maybe the hair, and the wrinkles. The ones that aren't are making her face look skinnier and her eyes bigger.
- The differences between fashion photography and photojournalism are that in fashion they basically change the way something looks to make it look perfect. In photojournalism they just change the positions to make it a better picture, but it is still all the same.
- It is still the same person, place, or object and that's how it connects to reality. This makes it even more inappropriate to manipulate people.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Negative Evaluation
- Only 4 of the pictures i took turned out well.
- Like 8 of my photos, almost all of them probably won't turn out well, because of the bad composition.
- The negative image that i think will turn out the best is the first one with the orchestra class playing, because to me it is the one picture that looks clearly and has good quality.
- The technical aspects that are shown in the best picture is focus. You can tell by the way it looks. ( clear)
- A composition technique that is present in my favorite picture is the shapes and pattern.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Photo Manipulation and ethics
A. The main points of the story are that Manipulating photos is somewhat like a crime. Basically you, put someone elses face or something into another picture, causing it to be fake. Manipulating images has violations as well. This is cause people get offended due to this kind of act.
B. I think this type of photo editing is unethical, because it is offensive to many people. They are fake pictures which could result in a fine and they just a big violation.
I think this is the most unethical, because it is basically all a lie, trying to make people believe that it was a miracle.
I think this is the least unethical, because it was used for educational purposes.
B. I think this type of photo editing is unethical, because it is offensive to many people. They are fake pictures which could result in a fine and they just a big violation.
I think this is the most unethical, because it is basically all a lie, trying to make people believe that it was a miracle.
I think this is the least unethical, because it was used for educational purposes.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Drug Cartels in Mexico
I think this story is very sad. It talks about how people get killed each and everyday. More than 2,000 people have been murdered this past year and the killings continue. To me, theyre not doing anything to stop it and i think they should. Also two students from the University of Texas at El Paso were shot and killed there. This right here, is shocking! Why in the world would they kill two innocent people that didn't do anything, just like that? It is unbealivable and They have to fic this problem in Mexico RIGHT NOW!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Making a black and white print
- Timers
- Drying Cabinets
- Tongs Or Spatula
- Enlargers
- Focusing Aids
- Safelights
- Stop Bath
- Film Developer
- Fixer
- Hypo Clearing Agent
- Wetting Agent
- Chemical "life span"
- Chemical Disposal
- Secure the lens in the enlarger head. Switch off the enlarger light. Place a sheet of print paper on the baseboard, emulsion, or shiny side, up. Then to develop the print place the exposed print paper in the developer tray. Drain all the liquid and then place in the stopbath for 15 seconds and fiber-based paper for 30 seconds. Move to fixer for 2 minnutes and place in wash for 2-5 minutes. Take it out and place it on the dry cabinet. To make the print,Switch on the enlarger light. Place a masking easel - a flat metal plate with sliding arms on all four sides for cropping the image manually - on the baseboard. Place it side up on the easel.Switch off the enlarger light and place a sheet of unused print paper emulsion-side-up on the easel. Select a filter if using variable contrast paper. Lastly, set the aperture and timer using the test-strip as a guide.
- emulsion- is a mixture of two or more immiscible liquids.
- aperture- is a hole or an opening through which light travels.
- masking easel-
- Exposure- is the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium or during the process of taking a photograph.
- safe light- is a light source suitable for use in a photographic darkroom.
- dodging- decreases the exposure for areas of the print that the photographer wishes to be lighter.
- burning- increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker.
Post Shoot Reflection
- I had a hard time trying to really zoom in to the moment or pose without making it blurry or out of focus. I just kinda got real close so i could capture the moment.
3. Me and my partner tried to get in the best spot like in the corners to get the best shots and action going on in the classrooms.
4. What i would do different next time i try to take pictures is really know how to zoom in to the image or moment.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Processing Black and White photos
- A metal or plastic film tank
- Three dark plastic containers to hold chemistry
- Graduates (used to measure chemicals)
- A darkroom timer
- A can opener
- A room that is totally light proof (not even the slightest sliver of light should be visible).
- Developer (see other sidebar)
- Glacial Acetic Acid (optional, for Stop Bath)
- Fixer (Kodak Rapid Fixer with Hardener is highly recommended)
- Hypo Eliminator
- Contact sheet- A contact sheet is an 81/2 x 11 sheet of photo paper with 6 to 8 color images, generally referred to as proofs
- Agitation- Serves to remove the very thin layer of solution that is working on the emulsion of the film or paper.
- Enlarger- is a specialized transparency projector used to produce photographic prints from film or glass negatives using the gelatin-silver process, or transparencies.
- developer-a chemical, often a mixture of metol and hydroquinone, which converts the latent silver halide image in the exposed photograph material into reduced, opaque, black silver metal.
- Stop bath- is a chemical bath usually used in processing traditional black-and-white photographic films, plates, and paper used after the material has finished developing.
- Fixer-a chemical that removes unexposed silver salts from photographic media and renders them insensitive to light.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
This picture is repetition, because you can see all the chairs lined up all exactly the same.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/picturesoftheweek/0,29409,1678828_1478123,00.html#ixzz13gUt5OW6
This picture is repetition, because all you see are wine bottles lined up together exactly the same size.
Volumes of Vino
Wine bottles await tasting during the 27th International Wine Challenge in London, England.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/picturesoftheweek/0,29409,1983979_2129014,00.html#ixzz13gVNlNQV
This picture is repetition, because of all the white dots all over the picture.
13 Billion Year-Old Baby
An image made by the Spitzer Space Telescope shows a young black hole about 13 billion light-years away from Earth.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/picturesoftheweek/0,29409,1973306_2089413,00.html#ixzz13gVst5bw
Friday, October 26, 2007
Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/picturesoftheweek/0,29409,1678828_1478123,00.html#ixzz13gUt5OW6
This picture is repetition, because all you see are wine bottles lined up together exactly the same size.
Volumes of Vino
Wine bottles await tasting during the 27th International Wine Challenge in London, England.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/picturesoftheweek/0,29409,1983979_2129014,00.html#ixzz13gVNlNQV
This picture is repetition, because of all the white dots all over the picture.
13 Billion Year-Old Baby
An image made by the Spitzer Space Telescope shows a young black hole about 13 billion light-years away from Earth.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/picturesoftheweek/0,29409,1973306_2089413,00.html#ixzz13gVst5bw
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
American Soldier slideshow and captions
2. A: To me the most powerful photo was the 7th photo in chapter 6: In country, because it focuses just on the rosary with god right in the middle. You can feel how emotional that time must have been for the person holding it.
B: The sequence of the life in iraq is the most powerful, because it shows more how it is to be in a war.
C: The pictures work together to tell a story, because the kinda go in order.
A: The verbs are written in present tense.
B: The captions give the photos more live. You can really understand the picture better when you read the captions.
Ian is holding a rosary in a room by himself praying for his loved ones.
Ian comes back home to his girlfriend and reunite.
Ian's mom is crying when her son leaves for Iraq. They hugged and off he went.
B: The sequence of the life in iraq is the most powerful, because it shows more how it is to be in a war.
C: The pictures work together to tell a story, because the kinda go in order.
A: The verbs are written in present tense.
B: The captions give the photos more live. You can really understand the picture better when you read the captions.
Ian is holding a rosary in a room by himself praying for his loved ones.
Ian comes back home to his girlfriend and reunite.
Ian's mom is crying when her son leaves for Iraq. They hugged and off he went.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Funny Picture Captions
In the picture to the left is a guy about to go crazy, if he already isn't. Obviously, this was at a soccer game when he lost badly.
The picture to the left shows a kid that is getting a shot at school. Apparently the little asian kid is scared of needles. when he was getting the shot it hurt and he screamed like a little girl and all of his classmates laughed at him.
In the picture to the left is a picture of a mad cat stuck in the washer machine. It is one of those evil cats that when it gets mad his eyes shine. You can tell the cat was very mad when he got trapped in the washer machine.
The picture to the left shows a kid that is getting a shot at school. Apparently the little asian kid is scared of needles. when he was getting the shot it hurt and he screamed like a little girl and all of his classmates laughed at him.
In the picture to the left is a picture of a mad cat stuck in the washer machine. It is one of those evil cats that when it gets mad his eyes shine. You can tell the cat was very mad when he got trapped in the washer machine.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Marlboro Marine
Luis sinco chose the right kind of music to go with the slideshow. He put in big bold letters kinda like the summary of what happened.
The music added sadness to the photos and the audio. You could really feel how much the person has suffered.
The most powerful people image from the slideshow was the one of him and his face all scarred up.
The photographs that seemed the most powerful was the ones of him fighting in iraq.
The audio adds more emotion to the pictures. It fits well with the music and it makes it more of like a real video.
The images pretty much shows everything he's been through. It may not be the same as a video but it still does a great job telling the whole complete story.
The music added sadness to the photos and the audio. You could really feel how much the person has suffered.
The most powerful people image from the slideshow was the one of him and his face all scarred up.
The photographs that seemed the most powerful was the ones of him fighting in iraq.
The audio adds more emotion to the pictures. It fits well with the music and it makes it more of like a real video.
The images pretty much shows everything he's been through. It may not be the same as a video but it still does a great job telling the whole complete story.
Monday, October 11, 2010
interesting photo and video

I found this video interesting, because it shows how to make icecream. I thought it looked really good and it was kind of a fun video to watch. It tells some of the secrets of Amy's Icecream and to me it looks delicious.
Most inspiring photo!
I found this picture the most inspiring for me, because I have a passion for dancing. I have been dancing since i was 5 years old and this picture inspires me to keep dancing. I like how the picture is in the rule of thirds and also includes some lines and shapes for the rule of lines. I like the way it shows the reflection on the mirrors and overall it is just a great picture.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
great black and white photographers part 3
What really caught my attention about Ansel Adams photos was the beauty of it. How he chooses what to take pictures of. I love how he takes pictures of nature and how perfect the angle of the picture is. There is so many things that describes his pictures and that's what makes his work so unique.
I see lot's of trees in a forest with a huge storm coming. It is a very mountanous place and also looks like it might be in the winter.
I smell the forest. Trees, plants, animals, and the water.
I hear the water fall and the wind that's coming through the area. i also hear animals eating.
I taste the cold air outside and the fruits and vegetation. I also taste the river water.
I feel the cold air outside. I also feel the wind of the storm that is coming. I also feel loneliness and darkness of the forest. I feel lost between all this trees and mountains.
I see a huge water fall in a forest with a lot of trees. I see the animals eating.
I smell the water and the plants and trees. I also smell the fresh air outside in nature.
I hear the waterfall. I also hear the animals and the birds in the trees. I hear nature all around me.
I taste the fresh air outside and the fresh mountain water.
I feel the fresh air and wind outside. I feel loneliness but also peace in this peaceful place called the forest.
5 Senses
I see lot's of trees in a forest with a huge storm coming. It is a very mountanous place and also looks like it might be in the winter.
I smell the forest. Trees, plants, animals, and the water.
I hear the water fall and the wind that's coming through the area. i also hear animals eating.
I taste the cold air outside and the fruits and vegetation. I also taste the river water.
I feel the cold air outside. I also feel the wind of the storm that is coming. I also feel loneliness and darkness of the forest. I feel lost between all this trees and mountains.
I see a huge water fall in a forest with a lot of trees. I see the animals eating.
I smell the water and the plants and trees. I also smell the fresh air outside in nature.
I hear the waterfall. I also hear the animals and the birds in the trees. I hear nature all around me.
I taste the fresh air outside and the fresh mountain water.
I feel the fresh air and wind outside. I feel loneliness but also peace in this peaceful place called the forest.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
most interesting stuff
I think this shows a lot of interesting stuff, because of the angle it was taken and the band playing. I like how it shows the cords and the instruments in the bottom corner. It gives live to the picture.
action and emotion
This picture shows the most action. The girl is at the football field directing the school band. It is also a rainy night and the picture shows a very good feature of the rain.
best story
i think this pic tells the best story, because it clearly shows what is going on in the picture. The 3 kids are about to bungy jump out of the bridge.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Hurricane Ike
I chose this picture of the Hurricane Ike, because i like how it shows the effects of what's happening. You can definately tell that the hurricane is taking place and also gives focus to the guy walking in the middle. I think this photo can represent the rule of lines and also framing. The lines lead you directly to the person in the middle or the subject. This photo can also be creating depth because of the poles and the fog.
I chose this picture, because it represents patterns. The background, chairs, and even the person's shirt has repetitive patterns. You can really see the devastation Hurricane Ike created and these are the reasons why i like this photo.
I chose this picture, because it represents patterns. The background, chairs, and even the person's shirt has repetitive patterns. You can really see the devastation Hurricane Ike created and these are the reasons why i like this photo.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Great Black and White photographers part 2
Ansel Adams
Ansel Easton Adams was an american photographer and environmentalist, best known for his great black and white photography. Ansel was born on February 20, 1902 and died April 22, 1984 in the western addition of San Francisco, California to upper-class parents Charles Adams and Olive Adams. He came a very wealthy, well educated, and successful family. Ansel was also an only child and in 1903 Ansel's family moved to a new home with a splendid view of the Golden Gate and the Marin Headlands which made it even better for Ansel to start with his photography. Ansel was kind of a sick kid when he was a child, he was a hyperactive child and prone to frequent sickness and hypochondria. He also had very little friends and stayed at home most of the time learning his music. Ansel even taught himself how to play the piano when he was twelve years old; music became his main focus of his later youth. His father later on gave him his first camera which was a Kodak brownie box camera and with that he began taking his first pictures and his love for picture taking took place. Ansel loved the outdoors too, because of the beautiful landscapes. He loved hiking, camping, and photographing. In 1927 adam was contracted for his first portfolio, Parmelian Prints of the High Sierra. With the sponsorship and promotion of Albert Bender, Adams portfolio was a success earning about $3,900. Soon after that he began to do commercial assignments to photograph the wealthy patrons that bought his work. He was set this was the start of his whole career. Ansel's most famous works was Moon and half done, Yosemite national park, and California.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Negative and Positive picture!
The differences i see between the positive and the negative is that the are reversed and one is almost all balck and the other one is almost all white. The negative is darker and the positive is lighter. Negative means the image produced on a photographic emulsion by the exposure and development, in which the tones are reversed so that the highlights appear dark and shadows appear light. Positive photograph is a film that when viewed is like the original in tone and color unlike a negative photograph.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Camera definitons!
aperture- An opening, as a hole, slit, crack, gap, etc.
shutter- A mechanical device for opening and closing the apertureof a camera lens to expose film or the like.
exposure- The act of presenting a photosensitive surface to rays of light.
depth of field- the range of distances along the axis of an optical instrument, usually a camera lens.
F-stop- The setting of an adjustable lens aperture, as indicated by anf number.
Focal length- the distance from a focal point to a lens to the correponding principal plane.
visible spectrum-the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.
camera sensor- is a device that converts an optincal image to an electric signal.
Ambient light- The natural light in a scene.
brackets- to over and then under expose from the indicated camera settings.
aperture- An opening, as a hole, slit, crack, gap, etc.
shutter- A mechanical device for opening and closing the apertureof a camera lens to expose film or the like.
exposure- The act of presenting a photosensitive surface to rays of light.
depth of field- the range of distances along the axis of an optical instrument, usually a camera lens.
F-stop- The setting of an adjustable lens aperture, as indicated by anf number.
Focal length- the distance from a focal point to a lens to the correponding principal plane.
visible spectrum-the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.
camera sensor- is a device that converts an optincal image to an electric signal.
Ambient light- The natural light in a scene.
brackets- to over and then under expose from the indicated camera settings.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Photo i really like!

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